
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Islamic Quotes Collection

████████ I █▄ O▼E Allah ♥ ████████

████████ I Love Muhammad (saww) ████████
"And if a person were given all of the world & everything within it, it would not fill this emptiness …”

"And in it there is an EMPTINESS that cannot be filled except with love for ALLAH & by turning to HIM & always remembering HIM …"

"And in it there is a SADNESS that cannot be removed except with the happiness of knowing ALLAH & being true to HIM …"

“Truely in the heart there is a VOID that cannot be removed except with the company of ALLAH …"

"Richness does not mean, having a great amount of property, but richness is self-contentment."-Bukhari

"There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allah." (Bukhari)

"The greatest waste of time:- Wealth from which nothing is spent (in charity)."

Knowledge is of two kinds: that which is absorbed and that which is heard. And that which is heard does not profit if it is not absorbed.

Put aside your pride, Set down your arrogance, And remember your grave.

Never say No

Actions will be judged according to intentions.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

(Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a passer by) Hadith

• The more anger toward the past you carry in your heart, the less capable youare of loving the present •

Remember ALLAH is watching u

The most beautiful thing in this world isto see your parents smiling.

Keep your life limited to needs.
A good or bad deed with a size of an atom is recorded in your book. THINK before you say or act!

It's too bad when someone try to impose own thinking to others........

Don't try to impose your views on others....

I'm the person who enjoy eating food...not like my bro very teasing for my mum =..=

Don’t worship work……. Worship during work.

Never Give up!!! Take a deep Breath… And Move On!.. Trust Allah b’coz You Always have HIM by Your Side =)

YA ALLAH make our Iman complete & keep us away from shaithan...!!! Aameen

"If you're embarrassed at your shortcomings, cover them with your generosity, for generosity covers all faults" ~ Imam al-Shafi`i

Patience is not about how long one can wait.., but how well one behaves while waiting! :)

Our Parents... are... the... best... people... in... the... world... and... the... precious... persons... in... our... lives...!!! ♥
May our deeds attract Allah's love Noor and Barakah so that our lives may be filled with peace happiness and freedom from any calamity Ameen

♥ A L H A M D U L I L L A H ♥ Y A - R A B B ♥

A heart is worthy of being called a heart only if it contains the love of Allah
♥ Recitation of the Glorious Qur'an soften hard hearts, heals broken hearts and brings dead hearts life ♥♥♥.

Don't judge the quality of your life by a few, temporary hardships, for they will end, while the blessings will remain.
A sign that Allah has turned away from a servant of his is, he occupies him with that which does not concern him.” - al-Hasan al-Basari

"...But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners" - Quran [8:30]

End is nt the end. In fact E.N.D. means Efforts Never Dies.If u get No as an answer,then remember NO means Next Opportunity. Always be +VE”

"The wise man knows that the only fitting price for his soul is a place in Paradise...” ~ Ibn Hazm ~

” Your souls are precious and can only be equal to the price of Paradise,therefore sell them only at that price “ ~ Ali ibn abu-Thalib (RA)

In every situation, just smile and say Alhamdulillah… الحمد لله

Every day, hour, minute and second Allah thinks of you, looks after you, cares for you and loves you ♥

Allah has placed ease and happiness in certainty of faith and contentment. He has placed worry and misery in discontent and doubt.
♥May Allah send His peace and blessings upon His final Messenger, and upon his family and companions.♥

“When love is for the sake of Allah, it doesn’t die ”

Do good because it is good, not because it looks good....:) Love this!

If this Dunya and all it’s people were perfect this wouldn’t be a Dunya this would be Jannah. :))

.”If you have trust in Allah as you ought then He will feed you as He feeds the bird, it goes out empty stomach and returns full.” Ibnu Majah

It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy.

Faith is not knowing what the future holds but knowing WHO HOLDS the future.

so dear self, please focus more on akhirah. your relationship with Allah.

“Nothing is easy, but with Allah help, everything is possible.”

"When u lose hope in the mercy of Allah, you r letting go of the rope of Allah.When u let go of the rope of Allah u r letting go of Jannah"

"Better be the master of your silence, than the slave of your words.."

A sad fact about the world these days ... The Stupids Are Full Of Confidence And The Intelligents Are Full Of Doubts... Agree?

The best medicine in the world without any side-effect is a smiling face :)I pray that,this medicine must b always with u for ever.Aamin

The happiest people don't have the best of everything.They ­ make the best of everything. So Try To MakeThe Best Of Everything :) ·

Dhikr is the most excellent and dearest of all deeds,

“Verily, Allaah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state themselves”
True believers always have two things on their lips, Silence & a Smile ....... Smile to solve problems & Silence to avoid Problems.

“Oh Allah, The one that has you, what does he need? And the one who has lost you what does he have?”

Whoever restrains his anger when he has the power to show it, God will give him a great reward. #Hadith

Prophet Muhammad (Salallaho Alehi Wasalam)

Good character is half of faith.
The best way to celebrate the remembrance of Allah is to say: La ilaha illallah (there is no true god except Allah).
The Quran is not a book for you to read when death comes to the family. You are supposed to read it on a daily basis..

You may be going through a tough time right now,But Allah is always ready to Bless you in a way that only He knows. P ...

Allah (SWT) listens to all our prayers. There is never a No!

Before leaving the house, look at how you are dressed in front of a mirror and ask yourself "am I dressed for Allah or for myself?"
Smile to solve the problems & Silence to avoid the Problems.

• Alhamdulillah For today• • Alhamdulillah For yesterday• • Alhamdulillah For the possibility of a tomorrow♥ Alhamdulillah for everything ♥

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Sayings of Sufyan Ath-Thauree

Sayings of Sufyan Ath-Thauree

"Were certainty of faith to become firmly fixed in the hearts of people, each person would become excitedly hopeful or extremely fearful - hopeful for (rewards from) Allah, the Possessor of might and majesty, or fearful of the Hellfire".

"True certainty of faith means not to accuse your Lord of any of the things that befall you."

"The only situation which I feel is analogous to the departure of a believer from this world is the departure of a baby from its mother’s womb, from the gloominess (inside of its mother’s womb) to the spirit (and freshness) of the world."

A man said to Sufyaan, “Advice me.” Sufyaan said, “Work for this world in proportion to the time you will stay in it (which does not amount to many years). And work for the Hereafter in proportion to the time you will stay in it (for eternity) - and peace (be upon you).”

“In our view, a person does not have an understanding of the religion until he thinks of a hardship as a blessing, and comfort and luxury as being a hardship.”

“Zuhd (desiring little from this world because of one’s preoccupation with the Hereafter) means not having long-term hopes for this world, and it does not mean eating coarse food and wearing a tattered robe.”

“Verily, the examples of this world are a loaf of bread over which some honey is spread: a fly passes over it and has its wing cut off (being caught in the stickiness of the honey); and a loaf of dry bread: a fly passes over it and is unable to take anything from it.”

“Evil deeds are the disease, and the scholars are the cure. Now, if scholars become corrupt, who will cure the disease?”

“A scholar is like a doctor: He places his medicine over the area that is affected by the disease.”

“Love people in proportion to the (good) deeds they perform. Become humble and flexible when you are invited to perform a good deed, and become rigid and defiant when you are invited to commit a sin”

 “If you want to know the true value of this world, look at the value (and character) of those people who have it (i.e., of those people who are rich and prosperous).”

“The following three are from patience: do not speak about a calamity that has befallen you, do not speak about your pain; and do not praise yourself”.

“Be happy with religion and forsake the life of kings, just as kings are happy with life and have forsaken the religion”.

“If you do not travel with the provision of piety,
And if you meet after death one who did have the provision a plenty,
You will regret that you had not been like him,
And that you did not save up (for the hereafter) as he did.”

“Be happy with religion and forsake the life of kings, just as kings are happy with life and have forsaken the religion”.

“If someone invites you (to meet with him) and you fear that he will corrupt your heart and your religion, then do not answer him”.

If you see a recite (of the Quran) always seeking refuge at the gate of the ruler (desiring financial favors from them), know that he is a thief. And if you see him always seeking refuge with rich people , know that he is a show-off”.

"Beware of filling your stomachs for doing so hardens your heart. And suppress your anger. And do not laugh too much, for laughing a great deal kills the heart".

"The vision of one's eyes is meant for this world, and the vision of one's heart is meant for the hereafter. When a man looks with his eyes he benefits naught. It is when he looks with his heart that he benefits". 

“Live moderately. Beware of imitating arrogant people. And in your food, drink, clothing, and means of conveyance, seek out that which is not specifically purchased by profligate and extravagant spenders. And when you seek out advice, let the people you go for advice, be the people of piety – people who fear Allah (the Possessor of might and majesty) and who are trustworthy.”

Source: The biography of Sufyaan Ath-Thauree by Salaahu-Deen ibn 'Alee ibn 'Abdul-Maujood
Monday 15 April 2013

Man, and the never-ending desires.

We are born with many instinctive desires, including the most vital one, which is the basic desire to live. Since desires are necessary to the maintenance of human life, they are in that sense beneficial. But simply to pursue desires with no higher aim is to become a slave to desire, and this can lead only to misfortune for oneself and others.
Sunday 7 April 2013

What is Islam

(1) Unity of God
Islam teaches the purest form of Monotheism and regards polytheism as the deadliest sin. A Muslim addresses GOD by His Personal Name: ALLAH --- the word "god" and its equivalents in other languages being unstable in the matter of connotation. Allah, according to Islam, is the One God, who is Indivisible in Person and Who has no partner: wife, son or daughter. He is the Matchless and "naught is as His likeness". "He begetteth not, nor was He begotten". He is the First, the Last, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Almighty, the Omniscient, the Omnipresent. He is the Creator, the Nourisher, the Cherisher of all things. He is the All-just, the Avenger of the wrongs done to the weak and the oppressed, the Compassionate, the Merciful and Loving, the Guide, the Friend, the Magnificent, the Glorious, the Beautiful and the True. In short, He is the Possessor of all Excellence.
Speaking of the conception of God in Islam, Gibbon, the famous western historian, says: "The Creed of Hazrat Muhammad is free from the suspicion of Ambiguity and the Qur’an is a glorious testimony to the unity of God. The Prophet of Mecca rejected the worship of idols and men, of stars and planets, on the rational principle that whatever is corruptible must decay and perish, that whatever is born must die, that whatever rises must set. In the Author of the universe his rational enthusiasm confessed and adored an infinite and Eternal Being, without form or place, without issue or similitude, present to our secret thoughts, existing by the necessity of His own nature, and deriving from Himself all moral and intellectual perfections. These sublime truths …are defined with metaphysical precision by the interpreters of the Qur’an. A philosophic theist might subscribe to the popular creed of the Muhammadans."
(2) Unity of the Universe
From the Unity of the Creator, according to Islam, proceeds the Unity of the Universe, i.e., Unity of Creation and Unity of Purpose. In other words, the Cosmos is a Moral Order.
(3) Unity of Mankind
Islam regards the whole of mankind as an "organic unity" --- a single family, and emphatically says that the distinctions on the mundane plane, the distinctions, namely, of race, colour, language or territory, cannot form the ground for claims of superiority of one group over the other. The only distinction that has "value" is that which arises at the moral and spiritual planes – namely, the distinction of "taqwa", or, "piety and righteousness".Prof. H.A.R. Gibb, the famous English critic of Islam says, "…..Islam…..possesses a magnificent tradition of inter-racial understanding and co-operation. No other society has such a record of success in uniting in an equality of status, of opportunity and of endeavour so many and so various races of mankind… If ever the opposition of the great societies of East is to be replaced by co-operation, the mediation of Islam is an indispensable condition." (Whither Islam? p.379).
(4) Unity of Religion
According to Islam, the human intellect, though a great and powerful asset, has its natural limits, and, therefore, neither the normative nor the empirical sciences are capable of leading humanity to a sure knowledge of ultimate truths and the code of life based upon them. The only source of sure knowledge open to humanity is, consequently, Divine Guidance, and that course has been actually open ever since the beginnings of human life on earth. Allah raised His "Prophets" and "Messengers" and revealed His Guidance to them for transmission to humanity. Coming from the same Source, all revealed religions have, therefore, been one, i.e., ISLAM.
Allah's Prophets and Messengers continued to come to every country and community to work in their respective limited fields. Time after time, the revealed Guidance was either lost or corrupted through human interpolation, and new Prophets with fresh Dispensations were sent, and humanity continued to advance from infancy to maturity. At last, when the stage of maturity was reached – when humanity was practically to become one family --- instead of sectional Guidance, a perfect, final and abiding Revelation, addressed to entire mankind and for all time, was granted in the seventh century of the Christian era. That Revelation, which recapitulates all former Revelations and thus sets a seal on the Unity of Religion, is ISLAM; the Scripture which enshrines it is the HOLY QUR’AN; and the Prophet who brought it is the Leader of Humanity, Hazrat Muhammad (Allah bless him!).Thus all the Prophets of God, from Adam down to Hazrat Noah, Hazrat Abraham, Hazrat Moses and Hazrat Jesus (peace be upon them all), are the Prophets of a Muslim the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him!) being the Last and Final one, and all the Divine Scriptures are the Scriptures of a Muslim, though he follows only the Holy Qur’an because it alone exists in its original purity and it alone contains the religion of Islam which has been followed by all rightly-guided people since the day the first human being came into existence.
(5) Unity of Sexes
Differentiation of functions have misled certain cultures of the world to regard woman as a being who belongs, so to say, to a different and inferior species: and to meet out to her inhuman treatment accordingly. Islam emphatically repudiates that notion and teaches that both man and woman have sprung from the same essence and the same source and consequently possess the same human status. Their functions and interests, instead of being antagonistic, are meant to be mplementary. The natural relation between the sexes, in all its aspects, is therefore, that of love and harmony, without which no true human progress can be possible.
(6) Unity of Classes
Islam aims at the creation of a classless society by eliminating all possible social conflicts (through revolving the different interests).
In the sphere of economics, Islam lays down the principle that wealth should not be allowed to circulate among the wealthy only, and envisages, through its laws and institutions, a "Cooperative Common-wealth of Talents".
In the political sphere, Islam stands for the "Cooperative Commonwealth of the Pursuers of Righteousness".
Taken as a whole, the Islamic state is a "welfare state" where sovereignty belongs to Allah alone and no human being has a right to govern other human beings except in the name of Allah and according to His Will, and where nobody, not even the Head of the State, is above the law. Absolute Justice is the watchword and the Establishment of Righteousness is the goal.
The merits of Islam’s social ethics have elicited praise even from the otherwise hostile critics. For instance:H.G. Wells says: "Islam created a society more free from widespread cruelty and social oppression than any society that had ever been in the world before" (Outline of History, p.325).
H.A.R. Gibb says: "Within the Western world Islam still maintains the balance between exaggerated opposities. Opposed equally to the anarchy of European nationalism and the regimentation of Russian communism, it has not yet succumbed to that obsession with the economic side of life which is characteristic of present-day Russia alike." (Whither Islam? p.378).
Prof. Louis Massignon says: "Islam has the merit of standing for a very equalitarian conception… It occupies an intermediate position between the doctrines of bourgeois capitalism and Bolshevist communism." (Whither Islam? p.378).
(7) Unity of Human Activity
Islam conceives of the human personality as a "unity" and consequently regards the distinction of "secular" and "religious" as unscientific, irrational and absurd. The life of a Muslim, both in its individual and social manifestation, is a life lived for God and God alone.
"Islam," says Dudley Wright, scholar of Comparative Religion, "is no mere creed; it is a life to be lived. In the Qur’an may be found directions for what are sometimes termed the minor details of daily life, but which are not minor when it is considered that life has to be lived for God. The Muslim lives for God alone. The aim of the Muslim is to become God-bound, and to endeavour to advance the knowledge of God in all his undertakings. From the cradle to the grave the true Muslim lives for God and God alone."
The word "Islam" means "submission" and, as a religious term, it connotes "submission to the Divine Will and Commands". As such, ISLAM is co-extensive with NATURE. For, everything in Nature submits to the Divine Will without demur. The only exception is man. He has to choose "Islam" through his free will and thus to attain his destiny by falling in line with the rest of God’s Creation.
Goethe, the renowned poet-philosopher of Germany, says:"Naerrisch, dass jeder in seinem Falle Seine besomdere Meinung priest! Whenn Islam Gott ergeben heisst, Im Islam leben und sterben wir alle" viz:"It is lack of understanding that everyone praises own special opinion;(for) Islam means submission to God and in Islam we all live and die."
The above statement brings out, and the Holy Qur’an emphasises in clear terms, that to be a Muslim is to live and grow in accordance with true human nature and in harmony with the Nature around. Islam, thus, means conformity to the Natural Law.
The concepts of Submission to the Divine Will and Conformity to the Natural Law, when actively realized in human life, give rise to the healthiest form of ISCIPLINE and Islam is the religion of Discipline par excellence.
In his famous book; First and Last Things, H.G. Wells says:
"The aggression, discipline and submission of Muhammadanism makes, I think,… fine and honourable religion for men. Its spirit, if not its formulae is abundantly present in our modern world... I have no doubt that in devotion to a virile… Deity and to the service of His Empire of stern Law and Order, efficiently upheld, men have found and will find salvation."The German Orientalist Friedrich Delitzsch admits that the Muslim shows "owing to his religious surrender to the Will of God an exemplary patience under misfortune and he bears up under disastrous accidents with an admirable strength of mind." (Die Welt des Islam, p.28).
The concept of "Truth" forms the keynote of Islamic ideology and pervades the entire universal order presented by Islam. Not only is "truthfulness" a fundamental value in the elaborate Islamic Moral Code – a value which forms the foundation-stone of Muslim character, but God Himself has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an as "The Truth", or "the True", the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!) as the "Bearer of Truth", the Qur’an itself as "the Truth", and the abode of the righteous after death as the "Seat of Truth".
Islam is the religion of Purity and Temperance par excellence. It stresses purity not only of the mind and the heart, which certain other religions also stress, but also of the body, its fundamental principle being the harmonious development of human personality. Consequently; it strictly prohibits the use of all drinks and foods which might be unhealthy and injurious to the body, or the mind or both. Thus its prohibitive injunctions cover not only all the intoxicants, e.g., wine, opium, etc., but also those foods which are harmful to healthy human growth. Ultimately, Islamic Temperance covers all evil thoughts, feelings and deeds.
Unlike certain religions, Islam is not the religion of contempt for the world, of the negation of any fundamental value. It is positively and definitely a religion of fulfilment – fulfilment of all the faculties and positive capabilities with which God has endowed man. Aesthetic culture, therefore, forms part of Islamic life – of course, governed and controlled by Islam’s moral and spiritual principles. In Islam the concept of "Beauty" permeates the entire human activity – nay, the whole cosmic order, "Allah," says the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be with him!), "is Beautiful and loves what is beautiful." Beauty in thought, words and deed, and beauty in all creative activity is the Islamic ideal.Islam permits the creation of Art, within the limitations of its spiritual and moral framework. But its motto is not "Art for the sake of Art" but "Art for the sake of Life", whereby alone a true blending of spiritual, moral and physical beauty – the rational and harmonious goal of human life – is achievable.
Islam regards Reason as man’s distinctive privilege and God’s noble gift, and the Holy Qur’an has repeatedly exhorted mankind to employ Reason in the matters of social and natural phenomena and in understanding its Message and practicing its Guidance, thus giving to "personal judgment," its due place in the life of a Muslim."Intellectual Culture" in general, forms one of the noblest pursuits of human life in Islam and the acquisition and cultivation of knowledge has been made obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman.
Islam is a positively rational religion and stands opposed to the mystery cults and religions of mysterious dogmas whose acceptance is generally claimed on the basis of blind faith.
Speaking of the negation of superstition and the affirmation of Reason in Islam, Godfrey Higgins says: "No relic, no image, no picture, no mother of God disgrace his (Hazrat Muhammad’s) religion. No such doctrines as the efficacy of faith without works, or that of a death-bed repentance, plenary indulgences, absolution or auricular confession, operate first to corrupt, then to deliver up his followers into the power of a priesthood, which would of course be always more corrupt and more degraded than themselves. No indeed! The adoration of one God, without mother, or mystery, or pretended miracle, and the acknowledgement that he, a man, was sent to preach the duty of offering adoration to the Creator alone, constituted the simple doctrinal part of the religion of the Unitarian of Arabia." (Apology for Hazrat Muhammad).
Islam stands in sharp contrast with those religions which interpret the Salvation of man in terms of the acceptance of certain intricate and inexplicable formulae. Simplicity is its watch-word and rationality its lifeblood, and as such it gives to both "Faith" and "Action" their due place. Wherever the Holy Qur’an mentions the problem of human salvation, it bases it on "right belief" as well as "righteous action", emphasizing the former as the ground and the latter as the sequence.
Islamic life is a life of the attainment of "Falah" which means, "The furrowing out of latent faculties". A Muslim, therefore, has to continuously strive for progress…. a progress controlled by righteousness and illumined by Divine Guidance, a progress grounded in spirituality, a progress balanced and comprehending all aspects of human life: spiritual, mental, moral, aesthetic and physical.Paying tribute to the balanced character of Islam and the progress which it inspires, the famous Orientalist Prof. H. A. R. Gibb says:"Within the Western world, Islam still maintains the balance between exaggerated opposites...For the fullest development of its cultural life, particularly of its spiritual life, Europe cannot do without the forces and capacities which lie within Islamic society." (Whither Islam? p.378).
While other religions may feel shy of science Islam has made the scientific quest a religious obligation. The aims of that quest, however, are not the unbalanced indulgence in physical pleasures and the tyrannisation over fellowbeings, but the advancement in the love of God through progress in the knowledge of His works and the service of humanity through the acquisition of control over the "forces of nature".
Speaking of the role of Islam as the inaugurator of the modern scientific era, Briffault, the reputed scholar of the history of civilisation, says:…although there is not a single aspect of European growth in which the decisive influence of Islamic culture is not traceable, nowhere is it so clear and momentous as in the genesis of that power which constitutes the permanent distinctive force of the modern world and the supreme source of its victory – natural science and the scientific spirit … The debt of our science to that of the Arabs does not consist in startling discoveries of revolutionary theories; science owes a great deal more to Arab culture, it owes its existence. The ancient world was, as we saw, pre-scientific. The Astronomy and Mathematics of the Greeks were a foreign importation never thoroughly acclimatised in Greek culture. The Greeks systematised, generalised and theorised; but the patient ways of investigation, the accumulation of positive knowledge, the minute methods of science, detailed and prolonged observation and experimental inquiry were altogether alien to Greek temperament... What we call science arose in Europe as the result of a new spirit of inquiry, of new methods of investigation, of the method of experiment, observation, measurement, of the development of Mathematics in a form unknown to the Greeks. That spirit and those methods were introduced into the European world by the Arabs… Neither Roger Bacon nor his later namesake has any title to be credited with having introduced the experimental method. Roger Bacon was no more than one of the apostles of Muslim science and method to Christian Europe; and he was never wearied of declaring that knowledge of Arabic and Arab Science was for his contemporaries the only way to true knowledge. Discussions as to who was the originator of the experimental method…are part of the colossal misrepresentation of the origins of European civilisation. The experimental method of the Arabs was by Bacon’s time widespread and eagerly cultivated throughout Europe … Science is the most momentous contribution of Arab civilisation to the modern world….. It was not science only which brought Europe back to life. Other and manifold influences from the civilisation of Islam communicated its first glow to European life. "(Making of Humanity, pp 190-202).H.G. Wells, another great Western authority, had to admit that: "Through the Arabs it was, and not by the Latin route, that the modern world received that gift of light and power (i.e., the Scientific Method)."
Because of its deep-rooted hostility to Islam, implanted during the Middle Ages, the West has been very slow in acknowledging the merits of Islam. Admissions and confessions have, however, been gradually coming forth grudgingly or ungrudgingly. Thus, as we have seen above, it has been admitted that the Muslims gave to the West the Scientific Method as well as the scientific inspiration. But the Muslims themselves received them from the Holy Qur’an. This fact has also been admitted at last. For instance, Stanislas Guyard observes: "In the seventh century of our era, the Old World was in agony. The Arabian conquest infused into it new blood … Hazrat Muhammad gave them (the Arabs) the Qur’an, which was the starting point of new culture. " (Encyclopedia des Sciences Religieuses, Tome IX,p. 501). Challenging the adversaries of Islam and referring to the Holy Qur’an, Dr. A Bertherand says: "Let them read and meditate on this great Book: they will find in it, at every passage, constant attack on idolatry and materialism; they will read that the Prophet incessantly called the attention and the mediation of his people to the splendid marvels, to the mysterious phenomena of creation… those who have followed its counsels have been, as we have described in the course of this study, the creators of a civilisation which is astounding to this day." (Contribution des Arabs auprogres des Sciences Medicales, p. 6).Emmanuel Deutsch oberves: "By the aid of the Qur’an the Arabs…came to Europe to hold up the light to humanity, they alone, while darkness lay around,…to teach philosophy, medicine, astronomy and the golden art of song to the West as to the East, to stand at the cradle of modern science, and to cause us late epigoni for ever to weep over the day when Granada fell."
In Islam, all honest labour is sacred and forms the life-blood of human progress. "For man is naught but what he strives for," says the Holy Qur’an, and "the labourer is the beloved of God," says the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!). Thus "idleness" is a sin and "industry" is a virtue in Islam.
Islam lays the foundation of ethics on "submission to the Divine will" and gives to humanity the ethical ideal of imitating the Divine Attributes, even as we have been exhorted by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!) who says: "Imbue yourselves with Divine Attributes."
"The highest form of religious ethic," observes Sir Richard Gregory, "is that in which the aim of conduct is complete and implicit obedience to what is conceived to be the Will of God …(this obedience) may become a joyous and spontaneous acceptance of a mode of life, such as it is conceived would be consonant with the nature of God, subject to such limitations of the flesh as are ineradicable – the ideal of saintliness. Hence arises the desire for uprightness as end-in-itself; either with a view to reward, if not in this world, in the next, or pursued selflessly for its own sake. This concept of religious ethic has led to the highest idealism in human conduct." (Religion in Science and Civilisation, p. 63).
The world "Salam", which means "peace", has close root-affinity with the word "Islam". Thus the concept of PEACE forms an integral part of the world ISLAM itself. Indeed, this concept permeates the Islamic religion through and through. For, God, according to the Holy Qur’an, is As-Salam, i.e. (the Source of) peace"; a Muslim’s Salutation, which embodies the ideal of Muslim life, is As-Salam-o -alaikum, i.e., "Peace be unto you"; and the abode of the righteous, towards which the Holy Qur’an invites humanity, is Dar-us-Salam, i.e., "the Abode of Peace".One of the ideals of Muslim life, therefore, is the attainment of peace on all fronts --- peace with self through harmonious self-realisation, peace with fellow creatures through the maintenance of the basic attitude of Goodwill, and peace with God through submission to the Divine Will.
The Islamic concept of Peace is not, however, utopian, For, Islam is a practical religion par excellence –a religion of Struggle (Jihad) --- and does not, therefore, prescribe any course of action which is unnatural or impracticable. Thus, for instance, in international relations, although basically committed to the promotion of Peace and Goodwill, Islam does allow the participation of Muslims in war when it becomes morally inevitable – when no other course remains open for safeguarding justice, nay, peace itself.The word "Jihad", which has been maligned much by the evil-minded misrepresenters of Islam in connection with the wars of Islamic history, means "struggle" and, according to Islam, it is of two kinds: (1) Struggle for subjugating one’s lower self to the higher self. This is the higher form of "Jihad" and its function is purely spiritual: (2) Struggle for defeating the forces of evil on the collective plane. This is the collective Jihad.The collective Jihad may, again, be either of a peaceful character, namely, propagation of Islam and its establishment in the collective life of the people through preaching and reform, or it may be in the form of war against an aggressor.
The Islamic permission of war is basically for defensive purposes. And not only does Islam rule out all immoral impulses to war but it also lays down a rigid ethics which in its sublimity and humanness surpasses all other ethics of war which humanity has ever known.
Says O. Houdas: " … The Qur’an states: ‘And fight for the cause of God against those who fight against you; but commit not the injustice of attacking them first; verily God loveth not the unjust’ – S.II 190…… Jihad had to be waged to defend Islam against aggression… Once the war was terminated, the Muslims always displayed a great tolerance towards the conquered peoples, leaving them their legislation and religious beliefs." (La Grande Encyclopaedia, Tome 20,p. 1006)."In their wars of conquest," says E. Alexander Powell, "the Muslims exhibited a degree of toleration which put many Christian nations to shame." (The Struggle for Power in Moslem Asia, p. 48).
As regards forcible proselytisation, it has been explicitly banned by Islam with the Qur’anic declaration: "there is no compulsion in matters of faith", and the propaganda that Muslims went out into the world with the sword in one hand and the Qur’an in the other to convert the non-Muslims forcibly is a pure fabrication. Indeed, it is so utterly unfounded that even an enemy of Islam like Rev. Dr. O’Leary had to admit:"History makes it clear that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races, is one of the most absurd myths that the historians have ever repeated". (Islam at the Croos-Roads, page 8).
Islam inculcates the love of God’s creation in general and of the human family, in particular. "The best of you is he who is best to God’s family (i.e., humanity)," says the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!) Islam regards humanity as ‘one Fraternity inside which it affirms the existence of the "Islamic Brotherhood", wherein all distinctions of caste and tribe, race and colour, language and territory are superseded and obliterated, and which has been allotted the function of acting as the servant of, and the torch-bearer of Divine Guidance for, the larger Human Brotherhood.Side by side with the code of conduct meant to be observed within the circle of Islamic Brotherhood Islam also gives a definite code of Human Love which relates to the dealings of Muslims with the larger human society.
"The brotherhood of Muhammadanism," says Dr. Leither, "is no mere word. All believers are equal and their own high-priest." (Muhammadanism. P.18).
The Dutch Orientalist Snouck Hurgronje observes: "The ideal of a League of Human Races has been approached by Islam more nearly than by any other ideology; for the League of nations founded on Hazrat Muhammad’s religion takes the principle of the equality of all human race so seriously as to put other communities to shame." (Muslim World Today).
In the sphere of worship, Islam stands for the establishment of direct relation between God and human being without the mediation of any priest. Every Muslim man and woman is, therefore, his or her own priest or priestess.
It is wrong to regard the scholars (Ulama) or the leaders (Imams) of congregational prayers in the mosques as priests. Any good Muslim who knows Islam can lead the prayers, while the ‘Ulama’ are simply scholars and experts of Islamic knowledge and merely fulfil a responsibility which rests on the shoulders of the entire Islamic Brotherhood. For, Islam wants every Muslim man and woman to be a scholar of its teachings, unlike, for instance, Hinduism, where those belonging to the caste of Brahmins alone possess this privilege.Rev.W.Wilson Cash, the famous Christian missionary and hostile critic of Islam, had to confess: "Islam endowed its people with a dignity peculiarly its own… Direct access to God makes one of the strong appeals of Islam" (The Expansion of Islam p. 177).
Problem of Slavery
By emphasizing freedom as the birthright of all human beings, by proclaiming human equality without distinctions of caste, colour or clime, by denying the sin-innate theory and all other theories of the evil origin of mankind by affirming that the progeny of Adam is the noblest creation of God, by raising humanity to the status of the Vicegerency of God on earth, by making imitation of the Divine Attributes the ethical ideal of mankind, and by pointing out the conquest of the universe as the human destiny, Islam has established human dignity on the loftiest pinnacle conceivable.
Humanity was suffering in various ways because of the wrong notions held by pre-Islamic cultures and religions about human dignity, when Islam appeared. Cruelty was being perpetrated in the name of caste, tribe and race, large masses of humanity had been reduced to the status of serfs, and slavery, which had been an age-old institution, was being practiced by various races and peoples of Europe and Asia, including the Arabs, with the sanction of such scriptures as the Bible and without the least moral compunction. Islam raised its masculine voice of protest against all those evils and gave to the world a philosophy and a legislation which has made it the saviour of the downtrodden and the oppressed for all time.
Among the many misconceptions spread about Islam by its enemies, one is that which relates to slavery. For a proper appreciation of the role of Islam in the abolition of slavery, the reader is referred to the present writer’s "Islam and Slavery." Here, in this brief brochure, we might confine ourselves to the brief statement of a fair-minded non-Muslim scholar of the last century, who said: "His (i.e., Hazrat Muhammad’s) law of slavery is, ‘If slaves come to you, you shall’ --- not imprison and then sell by public sale, though no claimant appears, as in the nineteenth century is the law of Christian England in her provinces, but, --- ‘redeem them, and it is forbidden to you to send them forth’ (Qur’an II, p.85). And this was a man standing up in the wilds of Arabia in the seventh century." (Westminster Review no. IX, p. 221).Even the hostile and biased Dutch critic of Islam, Prof. Snouck Hurgronje, had to say: "According to the Muhammadan principle, slavery is an institution destined to disappear."
Problem of polygamy
The Islamic view of the fundamental equality of sexes has been already stated in the section on "Religion of Unity" and an impartial historical appreciation of the problem proves beyond all doubt that it was "Islam which removed the bondage in which women were held from the very dawn of human history and gave them a social standing and legal rights such as were not granted them in England till many centuries later." (Lady Evelyn Cobbold, in "Pilgrimage to Mecca"). But the widespread propaganda of the enemies of Islam in connection with polygamy necessitates a specific statement in that connection.
In the first instance, polygamy was not invented by Islam, nor was it made in any way obligatory. It had existed in pre-Islamic societies since time immemorial with the sanction of religion and had been practiced even by those who were accepted as holy personages as for instance, we find in the Old Testament. There it was governed by no law whatsoever, and so also it was in the Arabian society at the advent of Islam. What Islam did was to regulate it and to subject it to such severe restrictions as to make it prohibitive except in cases of emergency. Indeed, monogamy has been the ideal and polygamy only an exception in Muslim Society. This fact is fully borne out by the present as well as the past history of the Muslims and has been admitted by all fair-minded critics of Islam. For instance, William Kelly Wright says: "Most Mohammedans in all ages have had only one wife." (Philosophy of Religion, New York, 1935).
Islam is a natural religion and it takes a very serious view of sexual vices and social ills. Consequently, it was very natural for Islam to permit limited and restricted polygamy for the maintenance of social health in all those situations where it is the only natural remedy. For instance, when war alters the natural sex ratio, giving to women preponderance over men, there are only two alternatives, namely, widespread prostitution or polygamy. Islam prefers the latter to the former in the interests of moral health and social wellbeing of womanhood. Similarly, if the first wife is sterile or suffers from any incurable disease, there are only two possible alternatives, namely, either the first wife should be divorced and a fresh wife taken or she may continue in her status undisturbed along with a second wife. The former course would mean distressing, spinsterhood for the first wife while the latter course would provide to her an honourable normal life without temptation to evil. Polygamy can also become a necessity in a medically incurable case of the hypersexed male who, in most cases, would look to more than one woman for the satisfaction of his biological need. In all such cases, the Islamic permission of polygamy with all its responsibilities and restrictions would be a definitely healthier course than the hypocritical adherence to the formal monogamy.
Polyandry (i.e., the marriage of one woman with several husbands) is not permitted in Islam because psychologically it is unsound, sociologically it is impracticable and biologically it is most dangerous for the physical health of the persons concerned. Certain primitive tribes who practice polyandry are infected with the plague of venereal diseases.
Speaking on polygamy, Dr. Annie Besant says: "There is pretended monogamy in the West, but there is really polygamy without responsibility; the ‘mistress’ is cast off when the man is weary of her and sinks gradually to be the ‘woman of the street’, for the first lover has no responsibility for her future, and she is a hundred times worse off than the sheltered wife and mother in the polygamous home. When we see thousands of miserable women who crowed the streets of Western towns during the night, we must surely feel that it does not lie in western mouth to reproach Islam for polygamy. It is better for a woman, happier for a woman, more respectable for a woman, to live in polygamy, united to one man only, with the legitimate child in her arms, and surrounded with respect, than to be seduced, cast out into the streets, perhaps with an illegitimate child outside the pale of law, unsheltered and uncared for, to become the victim of any passer-by, night after night, rendered incapable of motherhood, despised of all."Another critic of Western social order observes: "The law of the state, based upon the dogma of the Church, which makes it a criminal offence for a man to marry more than one wife, by that same provision makes it illegal for millions of women to have husbands or to bear children…It is untrue that monogamy was advocated by Jesus Christ… whether the question is considered socially, ethically or religiously, it can be demonstrated that polygamy is not contrary to the highest standards of civilisation ….. The suggestion offers a practical remedy for the western problem of the destitute and unwanted female: the alternative is continued and increased prostitution, concubinage and distressing spinsterhood" (J.E. Clare McFarlane: Case for Polygamy).
It is the distinctive merit of Islam that it does not concern itself merely with Salvation beyond the grave—salvation in the Hereafter, but also gives full consideration to --- in fact, ensures --- human salvation in this life. For that purpose, it provides comprehensive Guidance which guarantees moral perfection, social progress, economic justice and political health – in short, all that is needed for the practical realisation and attainment of true human happiness in earthly life and all-round harmonious evolution of humanity.Laura Veccia Vaglieri says: "A religion which is not content with being a theory adapted to the aspirations of our human nature, nor with fixing a code of sublime precepts which may or may not be applied, but which also provides a code of life, establishes the fundamental principles of our morality on a systematic and positive base, precisely formulates the duties of man towards himself and towards others by means of rules which are capable of evolution and compatible with the widest intellectual develo-pment, and which gives its laws a Divine sanction, surely deserves our most profound admiration, as its influence is continual and salutary on man." (Apologie de L’ Islamisme, p. 88).
There are three fundamental merits of the Holy Qur’an, the Scripture of Islam, in which it stands unique among the scriptures of the world. They are: (1) authenticity of its text: (2) perfection of its literary form; (3) rational character, comprehensiveness and profoundness of its guidance. Even a brief discussion of these merits is not possible in the present introductory sketch. They are, however, so well-established that even the non-Muslim western scholars, who are always ready to attack Islam on the slightest pretext had to admit them in forceful words.Commenting on the beauty of form of the Holy Qur’an Paul Casanova remarks: "Whenever Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was asked a miracle as a proof of the authenticity of his mission, he quoted the composition of the Qur’an and its incomparable excellence as a proof of its Divine origin. And, in fact, even for those who are non-Muslims nothing is more marvelous than its language with such a prehensile plenitude and a grasping sonority that its simple audition ravished with admiration those primitive peoples so fond of eloquence! The ampleness of its syllables with a grandiose cadence and with a remarkable large rhythm have been of much moment in the conversion of the most hostile and the most sceptic." (L’ Enseignement de I’Arabe au College de France, Lecon d’ouverture, April 26, 1909).As regards perfection in matter of guidance and the authenticity of its text, Laura Veccia Vaglieri observes: "But besides the perfection of form and method, the Book is also revealed inimitable by its very substance, for, we read in it, among other things, previsions or future events and of relations of fact accomplished since many centuries or which are generally ignored, and allusions to the most different sciences, religious or profane. On the whole we find in it a collection of wisdom which can be adopted by the most intelligent of men, the greatest of philosophers and the most skillful politicians….. But there is another proof of the Divinity of the Qur’an: it is the fact that it has been preserved intact through the ages since the time of its Revelation till the present day. And so it will always remain, with God’s Will, as long as the universe exists. Read and re-read through out the Muslim world, this book does not rouse in the Faithful any weariness; it rather, through repetition, is found feeling of awe and respect in the one who reads it or listens to it." (Apologie de L’Islamisme, pp.57-59).
The Islamic creed is as simple as the Islamic ideology is profound. Its first fundaments are:
They are: Belief in:
Divine Scriptures;
Messengers of Allah;
the Hereafter;
the pre-measurement of Good and Evil;
Resurrection after death.
They are:
Declaration of faith in the One-ness of God and in the Divine Messengership of Hazrat Muhammad: (Peace be upon him) La ilaha Illallah Muhammadur-Rasulullah;
Obligatory Prayers;
Obligatory Fasts;
Zakat or Poor-tax;
Pilgrimage to Ka’aba at Meccaa by those who possess the means.A Christian critic of Islam makes the following confession: "Islam had the power of peacefully conquering the souls by the simplicity of its theology, the clearness of its dogma and principles, and the definite number of practices which it demands. In contrast to Christianity which has been undergoing continuous transformation since its origin, Islam has remained identical with itself" (Jean Lheureux: Etude sur L’Islamisme, p. 35).For an appreciation of the Seven Articles and the Five Pillars, the reader is referred to "The Principles of Islam" written by His Eminence Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddiqi and published in the present series. Here it may be noted, however, that these Seven Articles and Five Pillars constitute only the "first fundaments", while the complete ideology of Islam, which shoots off from these fundaments and which is enshrined in the Holy Qur’an and the Prophetic Traditions, is so comprehensive as to cover the entire sweep of necessary guidance on physical, moral, social and spiritual aspects of human life.
(Y) Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) THE PINNACLE OF HUMAN PERFECTION
A code alone cannot, by its existence as such, inspire mankind to action. Hence to love the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Allah bless him!) above all human being and things of the world, to believe in him as the Most Perfect Embodiment of Human Perfection and as the Absolute Leader and the Last and the Final Prophet (after whom no new prophet of any category, zilli, buruzi, tashri’ee, ghairtashri’ee --- shadowy or real --- is to come), and to follow him as the "Best Example", form the prerequisite of Islamic Belief.This is the theological status of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be with him) in Islam. As regards his refulgent personality, that would require volumes even to do bare justice to it.
It is said that the best testimony is that which comes from the enemy’s camp. Here, therefore, we might quote a few statements of the Western scholars of Islam.Hazrat Muhammad’s (peace be with him) figure was highly majestic, his complexion and features were extremely handsome, and "he was gifted", says the renowned Orientalist Lane Poole, "with mighty powers of imagination, elevation of mind, delicacy and refinement of feeling. ‘He is more modest than a virgin behind her curtain", it was said of him. He was most indulgent to his inferiors, and would never allow his awkward little page to be scolded whatever he did. ‘Ten years,’ said Anas, his servant, ‘was I about the Prophet and he never said as much as Uff to me.’ He was very affectionate towards his family. One of his boys died on his breast in the smoky house of the nurse, a blacksmith’s wife. He was very fond of children; he would stop them in the streets and pat their little heads. He never struck anyone in his life. The worst expression he ever made use of in conversation was, ‘what has come to him? May his forehead be darkened with mud!’ When asked to curse someone, he replied, ‘I have not been sent to curse but to be a mercy to mankind.’ He visited the sick, followed any bier he met, accepted the invitation of a slave to dinner, mended his own clothes, milked the goats, and waited upon himself, relates summarily another tradition. He never first withdrew his hand out of another man’s palm, and turned not before the other had turned.‘He was the most faithful protector of those he protected, ‘the sweetest and most agreeable in conversation. Those who saw him were suddenly filled with reverence; those who came near him loved him; they who described him would say, ‘I have never seen his like either before or after.’ ‘He was of great taciturnity, but when he spoke it was with emphasis and deliberation and no one could forget what he said."He lived with his views in a row of humble cottages separated from one another by palm branches cemented together with mud. He would kindle the fire, sweep the floor, and milk the goats himself. The little food he had was always shared with those who dropped in to partake of it. Indeed, outside the Prophet’s house was a bench or a gallery on which were always found a number of poor who lived entirely upon his generosity, and were hence called ‘people of the bench’. His ordinary food was dates and water, or barley bread; milk and honey were luxuries of which he was fond but which he rarely allowed himself. The fare of the desert seemed most congenial to him even when he was the sovereign of Arabia…"There is something so tender and womanly, and withal so heroic, about the man that one is in peril of finding the judgement unconsciously blinded by the feeling of reverence and well-nigh love that such a nature inspires. He who, standing alone, braved for years the hatred of his people, is the same who was never the first to withdraw his hand from another’s clasp; the beloved of children who never passed a group of little ones without a smile from his wonderful eyes and a kind word for them, sounding all the kinder in that sweet-toned voice. The frank friendship, the noble generosity, the dauntless courage and hope of the man, all tend to melt criticism into admiration."He was an enthusiast in that noblest sense when enthusiasm becomes the salt of the earth, the one thing that keeps men from rotting whilst they live. Enthusiasm is often used despitefully, because it is jointed to an unworthy cause or falls upon barren ground and bears no fruit. So was it not with Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be with him). He was an enthusiast when enthusiasm was the one thing needed to set the world aflame, and his enthusiasm was noble for a noble cause. He was one of those happy few who have attained the supreme joy of making one great truth their very lifespring. He was the Messenger of the one God, and never to his life’s end did he forget who he was or the message which was the marrow of his being. He brought his tidings with a dignity sprung from the consciousness of his high office together with a most sweet humility." (Speeches and Table-talk of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, Introduction’ XXVIII – XXX)."The essential sincerity of Hazrat Muhammad’s (Peace be with him) nature," says Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, "cannot be questioned; and historical criticism that blinks no fact, yields nothing to credulity, weighs every testimony, has no partisan interest, and seeks only the trust, must acknowledge his claim to belong to that order of Prophets who, whatever the nature of their psychical experience may have been, in diverse manners, have admonished, taught, uttered austere and sublime thoughts, laid down principles of nobler than they found, and devoted themselves fearlessly to their high calling, being irresistibly impelled to their ministry be a power within." (The New International Encyclopaedia. Vol. XVI, p. 72).Speaking of the glorious success which attended the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad’s (Peace be with him) mission, Caryle observes: "To the Arab nation Islam was a birth from darkness into light; Arabia first became alive by means of it. A poor, shepherd people, roaming unnoticed in its deserts since the creation of the world; a Hero-Prophet was sent down to them with a word they could believe: see the unnoticed becomes world-notable, the small has grown worldgreat. Within one century afterward Arabia is at Granada on this hand, at Delhi on that, glancing in valuour and splendour and the light of genius, Arabia shines through long ages over a great section of the world. These Arabs, the man Hazrat Muhammad, (Peace be with him) and that one century --- is it not as if a spark had fallen, one spark on what seemed black, unnoticeable sand? But lo ! the sand proves explosive powder, blazes heaven-high from Delhi to Granada!" (Heroes and Hero-Worship: Chappter on "Hero as Prophet").O. Houdas, the French scholar, said half a century ago about the inner vitality of the Holy Prophet’s Message: "Never has a religion developed with parallel rapidity. In less than half a century Islam spread from the banks of the Indus to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, and, if this movement slowed down, it still persists after fourteen centuries of existence. After having penetrated in India, in China and Malaysia, Islam continues its invading march in the African Continent which will before long become entirely Muslim. Without special missionaries and without resort to the force of arms, the religion of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be with him) has converted the Black Continent, and it is not without some astonishment to point out the existence in England and America of small white communities which….. have adopted the Islamic doctrines and made efforts to propagate them. This invasion of Europe, hardly visible today, will surely grow." (La Grande Encyclopaedie, Tome 20, article: Islamisme).
Cultivation of and absorption in the love of Allah, and the permeation of the heart with the sweet ecstasy of that love, until a person becomes virtually incapable of acting against the Divine Commands, is the final goal, which bestows upon a Muslim "Abiding Life" --- a life of Peace, Progress and Perfection.
Saturday 6 April 2013

What Islam says about Music

Surah Luqman (Verse: 6)
Allah says in Quran
“And there are among men, those that purchase idle tales, to miss lead (men) from the path of ALLAH and through ridicule. For search there will be a humiliating punishment”

The great companion Abdullah Ibn Masood (Allah be pleased with him) states in the explanation of the word “ idle tales”: “By ALLAH its meaning is music” (Sunan Al- Bayhaqi, 1/223 & authenticated by Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak, 2/411).

Imam Ibn Abi Shayba related with his own transmission that he (Ibn Massod) said:  “I swear by Him besides whom there is no GOD that it refers to singing” (5/132)

The great Companion and exegete of the Quran Abdullah Ibn Abbas ( Allah be pleased with him ) states: “The Meaning of this word is music. Singing and the like” ( Sunan Al- Bayhaqi, 1/221 & Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba, 5/132 )

Hassan Al-Bassri (Allah be pleased with him) said: “This verse was revealed in relation to singing and musical instruments” (Tafsir Ibn Kaseer, 3/442)
The same explanation has also been narrated from:  Mujahid, Ikrima, Ibrahim Nakha’i, Makhul and Others

Al-Hassan AL-Bassri (May Allah be pleased with him) said : "This Verse was revealed concerning singing and musical instruments (lit. woodwind instruments)" (Tafseer Ibn Kaseer, 3/451)

The Scholar of the Ummah, Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) said:  “ this means singing”

Mujahid (May Allah be pleased with him) said:  “ This means playing the drum ( Tabl)"
(Tafseer Al-Tabri,21/40)

Al-Saadi (May Allah be pleased with him) said:  “ This includes all manner of Haram (Prohibited) speech, all idle talk and Falsehood, and all nonsense that encourages Kufr and disobedience, the words of those who say things to refute the truth and argue in support of falsehood to defeat the truth, and backbiting, slander, lies, insults and curses, the singing and musical instruments of the shetaan, and musical instruments which are of no spiritual or worldly benefit.”
(Tafseer Al-Saadi, 6/150)

Ibn Al-Qayyim (May Allah be pleased with him) said:  “The Interpretation of the Sahaabah and Taabi’in, that ‘Idle talks’ refers to singing, is sufficient.”
This was reported with saheeh isnaads from Ibn Abbas and Ibn Masood. Abu l-Sahbaa (May Allah be pleased with him) said:  “I asked Ibn Massod about the Aayah (interpretation of the meaning)” And of mankind is he who purcheases idle talks’[ Luqmaan 31:6]
He said: By Allah, besides whom there is no other god, this means singing-  And he repeated it three times.
It was also reported with a saheeh isnaan from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) that this means singing

There is no contradiction between the interpretation of “idle talk” as meaning singing and the interpretation of it as meaning stories of the Persians and their Kings of the Romans, and so on, such as al Nadr ibn al Haarith used to tell to the people of Makah to distract them from the Qura’aan. Both of them are idle talk.
Hence Ibn’Abbass said:”Idle talk” is falsehood and singing.

Some of the Sahaabah said one and some said the other, and some said both.
Singings is worse and more harmful then stories of Kings, because it leads to zinaa and makes hypocrisy grow(in the heart) ;it is the trap of shaytaan, and it clouds the mind.
The way in which it blocks people from the Qur’aan is worse then the way in which other kinds of false talk block them, because the peoples are naturally inclined towards it and tend to want to listen to it. The ayah condemn replacing the Qur’an with idle talks in order to mislead (men) from the path of Allah without knowledge and talking it as joke, because when an ayah of the Qur’an is recited to such a person, he turns his back as if he heard them not, as if there were deafness in his ear. If he hears anything of it, he makes fun of it.
All of this happens only in the case of the people who are moist stubbornly kaafirs and if some of it happens to singers and those who listen to them, they both have a share of this blame. (Ighaatathat al-Lahfaan,1/258-259).

The above verse of the Qur’aan, along with the statements regarding its meaning is clear in the prohibition of music. It also serves as a severs warning for those who are involved in the trade of music in any way, shape or from ,as Allah warned them of” Humiliating punishment”. 
As for those that say, the verse refers to things that prevent one from the remembrance of Allah and not music, do not contradict the aforementioned explanation.
The interpretation of the verse with things that prevent one from the remembrance of Allaah is a more general interpretation which includes music and song as one of the for most thing that stop you from the remembrance of Allah is music this is the reason why the majority of the exegetes of the Qur’an have interpreted the verse with music only or with all those acts that prevent on from the truth with music being at the forefront .
Allah most high said to shaytan:
“Lead to destruction those whom you can among them with your (Seductive)Voice" (Surah al Isra, v.64)

One of the great exegete, Mujahid (Allah have mercy on him) interpreted the word voice (Sawt)” by music, singing, dancing and idle things.
(Ruh al-Ma,ani,15/111).

Imam suyuti(Allah have mercy in him) quoted Mujahid as saying: “Voice (in this verse) is singing and flute” (al Iklil fi intinbat al-tanzil,1444).
Another exegete, dahhak (Allah have mercy on him) also interpreted the word”sawt” With flutes. (qurtubi, al-jami li Ahkam al-Qur’an,10/288)

It was narrated that Mujaahid (may Allah mercy on  him) said :
“And befool them gradually those whom you can among them with your voice”-his voice  [the voice of Iblees/shytaan ] is singing and falsehood"

Ibn al-Qayyim (May Allah have mercy on him ) said : 
This idaafah [possessive or genitive  construction , i.e, your voice ] serves to make the this idaafah [ possessive or genitive construction ,i.e, your voice] server to make the meaning specific ,as with the phrases [ translated as ]” your cavalry “and “your infantry “[later in the same aayah]. Every one who speak in any way that is not obedient to Allah, every one who beloved in to a flute or other woodwind instrument , or who plays any kind of drum, this is the voice of the shytaan, Every one who walks to commit some acts of disobedience towards Allah is part of his [ the shytaan ‘s] infantry ,and any one who ride to commit sin is part of his cavalry .This is the view of the salaf, as inb, Abi,Haatim narrated from Ibn ,Abbaas :his infantry is every one who walk to disobey Allah. (Ighaathat al-Lahfaan).
 Allah says whilst describing the attributes of the servants of the Most compassionate (ibad al-reham):
“Those who witness no falsehood , and if they pass by futility, they pass by it with honorable avoidance “(surah al-Furqan, V.72).

Imam Abu Bakr al-Jassas relates from sayyiduna Imam Abu Hanifah (Allah be pleased with him)that the meaning of” falsehood (Zur)” is music & song,
Allah Says (interpretation of the meaning):  “Do you then wonder at this recitation (the Qur’an)? And you laugh at it and weep not, Wasting your (precious) lifetime in pastime and amusements (singing)
[al-Najm 53:59-61]
‘Ikrimah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It was narrated from Ibn’Abbaas that al-sumood [verbal noun from saamidoon, translated here as
“ Wasting your (precious)lifetime and amusements (singing)”]mean “singing”, in the dialect of Himyar; it might be said “Ismidi Lanaa”[sing for us,-from the same root as saamidoon/sumood] meaning ”ghaniy “ [sing] . And he said (may Allaah have mercy on him):
When they[the kuffar] heard the Qur’aan, they would sing, then this aayah was revealed.

Ibn Katheer(may Allaah have mercy on him) said: "Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) “Wasting your (precious) life time in pastime and amusements (singing)"

Sufyaan al-Thawwri said narrated from his father from Ibn’ Abaass (this means) singing. This is Yemeni (dialect): ismad lana means ghan lana [sing to us]. This was also the view of ‘Ikrimah.
( Tafseer Ibn Katheer)
It was reported form Abu umaamah (may allaah be pleased with him) that the messenger of Allah slave women. Do not buy them and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not sell singing slave and their price is haraam. Concerning such things as this the aayah was revealed( interpretation of the meaning): ‘And of mankind is he who purchase idle talks (i.e music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…’
[Luqmaan 31:6]” (Hasan hadeeth)


Narrated Abu ‘Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash’ari:
That he heard the prophet saying’
“From among my followers there will be some people who will consider
Illegal sexual intercourse,
The wearing of silk,
The drinking of alcoholic drinks,
And the use of musical instruments,
As lawful……………
(BUKHARI, Volume 7, Book 69, Number 494)
Narrated by:
Al-Bukhaari ta’leeqan, no. 5590;
Narrated as mawsool by al-tabraani and al-bayhaqi.
See al-silsilah al-saheehah by al-albaani, 91.

Reproted by al-bukhaari in al-saheeh mu’allaqan, 51/10.
Reported nawsoolan by al-bayhaqi In al-sunan al-kubra, 3/272;
Al-tabaraani in al-mu’jam al-kabeer, 3/319;
And ibn hibbaan in al-saheeh (8/265-266).
Classed as saheeh by ibn al-salaah in ‘uloom al-hadeeth(32),
Ibn al-qayyim in ighaathat al-lahfaan (255) and
Tahdheeb al-sunan (5/270-272),
Al-haafiz in al fath (5/51) and
Al-albaani in al-saheehah (1/140).
Ibn al-qayyim (may allaah have mercy on him) said;
This is a saheeh hadeeth narrated by al-bukhaari in his saheeh, where he quoted it as evidence and stated that it is mu’allaq and majzoom.
He sadi; chapter on what was narrated concerning those who permit alcohol and call it by another name.
This hadeeth indicates in two ways that musical instruments and enjoyment of listening to music are haraam.
The first is the fact that prophet (peace and blessings of allaah be upon him) said;
“[They] permit” which clearly indicates that the things mentioned, including musical instruments, are haraam according to sharee’ah, but those people will permit them.
The second is the fact that musical instruments are mentioned alongside these things?
(adapted from al-silsilah al-saheehah by al-albaani, 1/140-141)
Ibn al-qayyim (may allaah have mercy on him) said;
And concerning the same topic similar somments were narrated from sahl ibn sa’d al-saa’idi, ‘imraan ibn husayn, ‘abd-allaaah ibn ‘amr, ‘abd-allaah ibn ‘abbaas, abu hurayarah, abu umaamah al-baahili, ‘Aa’ ishah umm al-mu’ mineen, ‘Ali ibn Abi taalib, Then he mentioned it in ighaathat al-lahfaan, and it indicates that they (musical instruments0 are haraaam.
He compared musical instruments to things that are definitely known to be harraam, namely zina and alcohol. If instruments
Explanations  Of the Word MA’Azif:

The scholars of the Arabic language are unanimous on the fact that it refers to musical instruments.  (Ibn Manzur, Laisan al-arab, V .99, P.189).
Ma, aazif is the plural of mi’zafah, and refers to musical instruments (Fath al-baari,10/55),+
Instruments which are played.(al-Majmoo,11/577).
Al-Qurtaubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) narrated from al-Jawahari (may Allah have mercy on him) that ma, aazif means singing.
In his Sihaah it says that it means musical instruments.
It was also said that it refers to the sound of the instruments. +
In al-Hawaashi by al-dimyaati (may Allah have mercy on him) it says:
Ma, aazif means drums and other instruments which are struck or beaten.
(Fath al-Baari, 10/55).
Shaykh al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyah)(may Allah have mercy on him)said:
This hadeeth indicates that ma,aazif are haraam, and ma,aazif means musical instruments according to the scholars of (Arabic) Language .This word includes all such in struments.
(Al-Majmoo, 11/535).
Ibn al-Qayyim said in Ighaat al-Lahfaan(1/256):
The evidence for this is that ma,aazif refers to all kinds of things used for entertainment
There is no dispute among scholars of the Arabic language on this point. If they were halaal , he whould not have condemned  those who permitted them , or compared  permitting  wine and zina.
Al-Haafiz said in al-Fath (10/55): Ma’aazif refers to musical instruments.
Al-Qurtabi reported from al-Jawahri that ma,aazif meant singing , and what it says in his
Book al-Sihaah is that it refers to musical instruments.
The word ‘azif is applied to singing and all other kinds of instruments that be played.
Shaykh ibn Baaz said Majmoo’al-Fataawa, 3/423-424):
“Ma’ aazif refers to singing and musical instruments. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that at the end of time there will come a people who will allaow these things just as they will allow alcohol, zina and silk. This is one of the sings of his Prophet hood, for all of this has happened. The hadeeth indicates that [musical instruments] are haraam, and condemns those who say they are halaal, just as it condemns those who say that alchola and zina are allowed.
The aayaat and ahaadeeth that warn against singing and musical instruments are many indeed.

BUKHARI, Volume 2, Book 15, Number 70:
Narrated Aisha:
Allah;s Prophet Apstle (p.b.u.h.) came to my house while two girls were singing besides me the song of Buath(a story about the war between two tribes of the Ansar,the Khazaraj and the Aus, before Islam).
The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) lay down and turned his face to the other side.
Then Abu Bakar came and spoke to me harshly saying,
Musical instruments of Satan near Prophet (p.b.u.h.) truned his face towards him and said,Leave them
When Abu Bakar became inattentive, I signaled to those girls to go out and spears;
So either I requested the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) or he asked me whether I would like to see the display.
I replied in the affirmative.
Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) made me stand behind him and my cheek was touching his cheek and he was saying, “Carry on! O Bani Arfida,” till I got tired. I replied in the affirmative and he told me to leave.
BUKHARI, Volume 2, Book 15, number 72:

Narrated Aisha:
Abu Bakar came to my house while two small Ansari girls were singing beside me the stories of the Ansar concerning the Day of Buath. And they were not singers.
Abu baker said protestingly , “Muscial instruments of Satan in the house of Allah’s Apostle!”
It happened on the ‘Id day and Allah’s Apostal said “ O Abu Bakr!
There is an ‘id for every nation and this is our’Id”.
BUKHARI  Volume 5 Book 58 number 268:

Narrated Aisha:
That once  Abu Bakar came to her on the day of ‘Id-ul-Firr or ‘Id ul Adha while the Prophet was with her and there were two girls singers with her, singing songs of the Ansar about the day of Buth.
Abu Bakr said twice. “Musical instruments of satan!”
But the Prophet said ,
“ Leave them Abu Bakr, for every nation has an ‘Id( i.e. festival) and this day is our ‘Id.”

MUSLIMS, Book 024, Number 5279:

Abu huraira reported Allah’s Massenger(may peace be upon him) as saying:
The bell is the musical instruments of the Satan.
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Massenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace)said:
“Bell is the flute of shaytan” ( Sahih Muslim & Sunan Abu Dawud).